White text that states "ABC Western Michigan Excellence In Construction Awards", with an outline of a cityscape around the text.

Excellence in Construction Awards

Treetops Collective – Phase I

The Treetops Collective kitchen


Treetops Collective, a Grand Rapids based non-profit focused on creating welcome, community and purpose for refugee women, enlisted Wolverine Building Group to renovate a former warehouse into offices, event space, co-work labs and a children’s play area. The newly renovated space expanded the essential services of this growing organization.


Submitter: Wolverine Building Group

Architect: r.o.i Design

Size: 5,000 SF

Title: Treetops Collective – Phase I

Location: Grand Rapids, MI

Date contract completed: March 2023

Final contract value: $872,000

Project manager’s name: Drew Sorenson

Superintendent’s name(s): Roger Faulkner, Michael Braun

What percentage of the work scope was self-performed by your company?: 15%

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